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Winter Solstice Ritual: The Return of Light

"December is a holy month. Maybe it is the dark, silky silence that descends so early that speaks to me of reverence. Maybe it is the promise that December holds -- that no matter how dark, how cold, how empty it can get, the light is coming back. Something always shifts in me when December arrives -- I embrace the darkness, and am eager for the coming solstice when the whole world is still and holds its breath, waiting to be reborn again." - Meg Casey

Dear one, can you hear it? The quiet stillness in the dead of night? Life at rest and soundly sleeping in the warm embrace of hibernation away from the cold clutch of winter's grasp?

December is finally upon us which means that we have officially entered into the womb of the year. I love this image of the womb because when viewed from the stages of the life cycle it is considered the gestational period of the year where life is beginning to take form internally (within the darkness) but is not yet ready to manifest externally (brought forth into the light).

For many cultures, including the worldview of my ancestors, the Celtic day began at night because they understood that from dark silence come whisperings of new beginnings and the stirring of the seed underground. It is for this reason that the time leading up to Winter Solstice on or around December 21st is considered a very powerful and holy time of the year. It's a time of waiting and expectancy for the light of the sun's return.

For Christians, this is the season of Advent, derived from the Latin term adventus which means "coming" or "arrival." It is the period of four Sundays and weeks before Christmas which is often marked with fasting and purification rituals. Of course, like many aspects of Christianity, this observance hails from much older traditional practices. The exact nature of early Celtic celebrations are not known because in the fourth century C.E. the Church of Rome overlaid the old festival of the birth of the Sun with the birth of the Son (Christ). Though our friend Craig over at @practical.animist shares that...

"Many European cultures observed the moon cycle leading up to the winter solstice as a time of preparation, anticipation, and drawing near to loved ones. It involved the twin themes of celebration and faith: celebration over the harvested fruits of the land and slaughtered animals, and faith that their stores would be replenished in the coming season. Renewal was only possible with the rebirth of the sun, so this season of anticipation culminated with the great celebration of the winter solstice."

Whether you consider yourself religious or not, these weeks in December truly are a time of "advent" for all of us. The light is coming, and together with all of creation we wait for that coming. For me it's been an important part of my healing and ancestral reclamation journey to tease a part Christian traditions that have their roots in early European earth-honoring lifeways.

Nature's Wisdom

In the dark silence and stillness of Winter, all of life returns to the roots. Many animals have migrated to warmer climates or have shifted underground into a period of hibernation. Food sources are scarce and the abundance of Autumn has been stored away. Energy must now be reserved since that which is superfluous is stripped away. For this reason, Winter is a time of rest as opposed to energetic activity.

Sadly, this is in stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of today's consumer oriented hallmark holiday season that we are all too familiar with. For many, this is a time of increased stress and activity as the pressure to show up a certain way grows and our tendencies to over-indulge and over do it lead to fatigue and burn out. I wrote a reflection piece on this theme here if you want to go deeper.

Orienting to nature's rhythms is a powerful way to reclaim your ancestral connection to this holy time of the year and to receive the inner gifts inherent in this season. This time can be made more meaningful by slowing down your pace and stepping back from outward activities and social obligations. Instead an emphasis can be given to fasting, meditation, prayer, and dreaming. In this way, embracing the seasonal energy, and leaning into the invitations nature brings, will really help you THRIVE in these days of darkness.

Winter comes on silent feet drawing darkness in
The colder longer days increase with each revolving spin
I will not fight the shorter hours ignoring Nature's calls
Instead, I'll slow my hectic pace and rest as Winter falls
The night invites me to my sleep, the dawn is slow to come
I slow my pace and calm my pulse and march to Nature's drum

What is the Winter Solstice?

Winter Solstice is the time when light is born out of the womb of winter's darkness. Every year, on or near December 21st when the Sun's journey through the zodiac shifts from Sagittarius to Capricorn, the sun appears to stand still, or rise and set in the same place for a few days. This moment marks the longest night, when Earth's very breath seems to falter in the face of the overpowering dark. Then, almost imperceptibly, the sun begins its long journey toward the south again, and all of creation begins to exhale after a period of building anticipation.

We have finally arrived at the close of the year, a time of endings and new beginnings. At Winter Solstice the seed of light is tightly folded within the bud of darkness. From now on, as the days lengthen, the sun-seed slowly begins to unfurl from this center, though the spring days of Imbolc and Beltaine, to its full flowers at Summer Solstice. At this point it will reach the outermost ring of the year's spiral and begin to contract slowly back toward the center once again.

Rituals for welcoming back the sun date back from the dawn of civilization, as communities came together to celebrate life with feasting, music, dance, drama, and above all, light and fire. Today under modern capitalism we tend to think of Christmas as a single day or weekend event, enjoying outward celebrations and festivities leading up to the big day on December 25th. Whereas, most cultures and specifically my Celtic ancestors used to reserve the time leading up to the Winter Solstice for contemplative ceremony which was only then followed by twelve days of celebration after the rebirth of the sun.

Below we offer some ideas to support you in creating your own Winter Solstice Ritual, as a way to mark this threshold moment and to honor where you are in the spiral dance of the seasons.

Winter Solstice Rituals: Honoring the Return of Light

Like all of the Celtic holy days, the Winter Solstice marks an important threshold moment when, at the tail end of an out-breath and right before the in-breath, there is a sacred moment of pause. This pause gives birth to the miracle of existence itself and expresses the nature of love, that is the dance of opposites and the ebb and flow of all things.

Here at this threshold, we look toward the seed of light and sense the importance of what it means to give birth to new life and what it takes to nurture that which longs to reveal and express itself in the world. We must show up with renewed commitment and faith in the journey that lies ahead, trusting that our dreams will carry us into a new tomorrow, and always with the light of love guiding us on our way.

This ritual is for the one who feels called to the Winter Solstice as a threshold crossing, initiating you into the energy of rebirth. It's an opportunity to shine your inner light on the dream seeds you have been gestating after an intense period of integrating the learnings associated with the death process/descent. It is time to acknowledge and celebrate the journey of transformation currently underway within your inner cocoon.

Pre-Solstice Ritual: Circle Of Light

Depending on when you read this, you may have some time to build up to the Winter Solstice by creating the conditions for quietude, prayer and/or contemplation. New life is taking root in the great cosmic womb space and DREAMING is your super power. It is up to each of us to respond to the call of the Great Mystery, and to reimagine what is possible, not only in our own personal lives, but for the whole earth community. The Circle of Light is a simple yet very meaningful ritual to be with the mystery of darkness and to offer our dreams and prayers for the world.


  1. Find or make a space (like a table) in your home that won't be disturbed and that will be used for this ritual.

  2. Create an altar with one large candle at the center. This candle will represent the light of the sun and will be lit on the night of the Winter Solstice. Decide how much time you are able to dedicate to this and select one of the timelines* below to determine how many candles you will need. Set up your space accordingly and bring in any other meaningful elements that will bring beauty and inspiration to the space.

  3. Find a jar to place at the altar. This is where you will write your prayers, wishes, or dreams for yourself, loved ones and the world.

  4. On the nights that you choose to engage with your altar, set aside at least 30 minutes for quiet contemplation and prayer. Prayer is nothing less than the service of love. All love is generated by giving and receiving, and so you can regard prayer as the lungs of love, which breathe in and out.

  5. Begin by closing your eyes and settling into your seat by drawing your attention to the base of your spine, sit bones, or wherever you're making contact with the ground.

  6. Take a few moments to notice how you feel. Notice your breath. Invite your body and breath to deepen into presence. You might repeat the word "soften" or "relax" and visualize yourself doing so.

  7. Take another few moments to contemplate the darkness, envisioning yourself held within the loving womb of the earth. See what comes.

  8. Next, take one or several pieces of paper and write any prayers or dreams that you carry for yourself and the world. Place them in the jar while speaking them allowed. Take your time with this part. You may feel called to doing this slowly, one at a time, while breathing deeply into your heart, sensing the enactment of prayer as the lungs of love and connecting your breath to that visualization.

  9. When you feel ready, light your candle. What does this symbolize to you? Take a few minutes to be with the flame.

  10. If you are engaging this ritual over the course of many days, light the previous day's candle along with the current day's candle, so that by the time you reach Winter Solstice, all of the candles have been lit.

  11. On the night of the Winter Solstice, you may wish to read aloud all of your prayers or wishes.

*It's up to you how much time you want to devote to this part of the ritual. You might have several weeks to play with or you may only have a few days. Get creative with how you incorporate this ritual into your schedule. Here I offer you three different timelines as examples:

  1. November 23rd - December 21st (The sun's transit through Sagittarius): Create a spiral of 27 small candles leading toward one large inner center candle. Every evening after dark, light one of the small candles starting from the outside of the spiral and working your way in. Each candle represents a day in Sagittarius. The 28th candle (which is the larger center candle) should fall on December 21st, the day of Winter Solstice.

  2. Four Sundays before December 21st (advent style): Create a circle of 4 small candles and place one large candle at the center. For each Sunday leading up to the Winter Solstice, light one candle. The large center candle should be left until last. Light it on the night of December 21st, the Winter Solstice.

  3. One week leading up to Winter Solstice: Create a circle of 6 small candles and place one large candle at the center. The 7th candle (which is the larger center candle) should fall on December 21st, the day of Winter Solstice. Every evening before you turn in for the night, take a moment to light one candle. On the final night of Winter Solstice, light all of the candles including the center candle.

At any point in the ritual, you may feel called to share a blessing or speak aloud a prayer such as this Welsh Druid prayer which we learned of through our friend Craig over at the @practical.animist:

“Hail to those who lived before us,
Hail to those who follow.
All see the turning of the wheel,
The endless cycle that connects us all.
Guide us to the returning light.”

Personal Ritual for the Night of Winter Solstice

Time Commitment: 2-4 hours (4 hours if you are following the template)


1) Ritual Elements associated with Winter Solstice to Incorporate into your ritual

  • Themes:

    • Rebirth; Transformation; Dreaming, Return of the Light

  • Symbols:

    • Inner cauldron, Sun, Yule Log, Wreath

    • Trees/Plants - Holly

  • Element: Fire, the symbol of transformation and the return of light

2) Create an Altar Inside or Outside:

  • Find or make a space (like a table) that won't be disturbed and that will be used for creating your altar.

  • Place one large candle at the center and a number of small candles encircling the large one. For the ritual. each small candle will be lit, representing prayers, dreams or wishes for the world. Consider how many candles feel meaningful to you.

  • Bring in any other meaningful elements that will bring beauty and inspiration to the altar and overall space.

  • Find a jar to place at the altar. This is where you will write your prayers, wishes, or dreams for yourself, loved ones and the world.

3) Cleanse Your Space & Purify Your Mind

  • Herbs for smoke cleansing or saining (Celtic): rosemary, cedar, mugwort

  • If you do not have meaningful/authentic relationships to Indigenous culture and customs, smudging with white sage is considered cultural appropriation and is dishonorable to the Indigenous People of Turtle island. If you have been gifted sage by an Indigenous friend, use your discretion in how to engage with this medicine.

  • This sacred plant medicine is being abused, exploited and mass-harvested for commercial and consumer use which perpetuates the violence of white supremacy and settler colonialism.

  • Take some time to locate yourself within a settler-colonial context interwoven with the land you currently occupy. Check out Native Land to learn the name and more about the territories you occupy.

  • Contemplate the narratives you enact and the spells you cast through ritual. Be mindful, strive for integrity always. Learn from the ground beneath you.


3 hrs

1) Write an Intention for your ritual - 10 min

  • An intention is a way to bring heart and mind into alignment.

  • It is a clear and well considered signal to the universe, your subconscious, and conscious mind to call in the experiences you wish to receive and give voice to how you want to be in relationship with the energy of your ritual.

  • The intentions we set around this time will stay with us through the unfolding of the seasons.

  • Example: "May the dreams I carry in my heart guide me toward a process of rebirth so that I may be of highest service to the healing and wholing of our world. May this ritual

2) Offer a prayer or invocation - 5 min

A prayer can be done in silence, but there is power to speaking words that come from your hearts deepest longing. A prayer speaks to the animating, loving force of the universe - that which gives us life and is the source of love. How you call this permeating, loving presence is unique to each of us, but here are some words that you may have resonance with: God, Goddess, Allah, Source, Buddha, Creator, Spirit, Tao etc. It's important to remember that Spirit is not outside of you, but also within you... so when you pray, you're also praying to the deepest, divine aspect of your nature.

3) Grounding & Opening - 1 hour

Below is a suggested meditation practice that will support you to come into earth-rooted connection. Of course you are welcome to ground in whatever way feels best for you.

Ten Points Practice (earth connection)

This is all about coming into presence, making intentional contact with your body so that you are grounded in your connection to land (and your ancestors) throughout the ritual. Land creates a bond with people who engage it. Your body is a portal. Focusing your mind and settling your nervous system softens resistance and releases constrictions so that you can access the still point within.

“The human body is beautiful. It is such a privilege to be embodied. You have a relationship to place through the body. It is no wonder that humans have always been fascinated by place. Place offers us a home here; without place we would literally have no where.” - John O’Donohue

4) Circle of Light - 1 hour

This part of the ritual is designed to work in conjunction with the Pre-Solstice Ritual offered above. It can also be done as a stand alone practice. The Circle of Light is a simple yet very powerful way to be with the mystery of darkness and to offer your dreams and prayers for yourself, loved ones, and for the world.


  1. Begin by closing your eyes and settling into your seat by drawing your attention to the base of your spine, sit bones, or wherever you're making contact with the ground.

  2. Give yourself as much time as you need to settle into your seat. Take a few moments to notice how you feel. Notice your breath. Invite your body and breath to deepen into presence. You might repeat the word "soften" or "relax" and visualize yourself doing so.

  3. Take another few moments to contemplate the darkness, envisioning yourself held within the loving womb of the earth. What feelings, sensations or images arise? Allow yourself to soften and receive the wholeness of your own presence.

  4. When you feel ready, begin to transition into offering your prayers and dreams for yourself, your loved ones and the world. For every prayer, intention or hope that you write, speak it aloud, light a candle, and place it into the jar. Do this until you reach the center candle. You may feel called to doing this slowly, one prayer at a time, while breathing deeply into your heart, sensing the enactment of prayer as the lungs of love and connecting your breath to that visualization.

  5. Before you light the center candle, take a few moments to gaze into the light of the candle flames. See each flame as an expression of your love for the world. What does the light of the candle flame symbolize to you? Take a few minutes to be with the flame.

  6. If you are engaging this ritual over the course of many days, light the previous day's candle along with the current day's candle, so that on the night of the Winter Solstice, all of the candles have been lit.

  7. When you reach the center candle, reflect on what the returning light means to you in your life. Consider taking some time to journal. Here are some prompts you might consider:

    • What is most sacred to you?

    • What dreams are you carrying on behalf of Earth?

    • What does the return of light mean to you personally?

    • What new life is stirring within you?

    • As the light begins to grow from this day forward, what do you feel called to tending?

Light the center candle when you feel ready or after the Intuitive Movement portion offered next.

5) Intuitive Movement: From Darkness Comes Light - 30 min

Ideally, this portion of the ritual would take place outside in the darkness. If that is unavailable to you, being in a spacious dark room or in the same room as your altar works just fine. The intention of this portion of the ritual is to embody your felt sense or interpretation of the return of the light within your being through movement, gesture, sound, and expression.

Note: Practices that involve non-goal oriented movements contribute to neurogenesis, or the growth of new brain cells.


  1. Begin by lying down on the ground for at least 5 minutes sensing into the nature of darkness and the womb.

  2. Soften and lengthen your in-breath and out-breath as you sink deeper into the earth.

  3. Let your body know that you want to connect with her primal, soulful nature with a desire to touch into and be transformed by the light that penetrates darkness.

  4. When you feel ready, sense into the stirring of new life. Slowly begin to wake up your body through soft, subtle and gentle movement, beginning with your hands and feet, and then moving into larger movements with swaying and undulating.

  5. As your body begins to warm up, follow any inner movement promptings trusting how your body wants to move. If you can, let yourself go. Let go of thoughts or worries or inner inhibitions. Invite a deeper level of contact with your inner spirit.

  6. Do whatever you need to feel connected and in your zone. This can look like turning on music.

  7. When you feel complete, end with stillness. Allow some time for integration as you allow your breath to return to it's natural state of rhythm and relax your body fully.


15 min

  • Quietly return to your altar and contemplate the wholeness of your experience. If you haven't yet, light the center candle. Notice how you feel and what it’s like to be in your body now. Sit in the vibration of your aliveness and soak in whatever sensations are present for as long as feels right to you.

  • Share Gratitude: Gratitude to your body, the body of Earth, your ancestors, and all of the forces of love who have joined you in your ritual. Gratitude for the holy dark, for the return of the light, for the only constant that is change, and for the ongoing process of transformation that renews life inwardly and outwardly.

  • Take one final moment to pause, appreciating all of the gifts you've received.

Let us prepare our bodies, hearts and minds for a new year and birthing; for expansive self awareness and relational learning.
Let us give thanks for all of the important lessons learned this past year and how life in her vast intelligence has shaped us into becoming all that we are.
On this day, may we each in our own way take a moment to honor how far we have come to be here in this precious moment.
There is great power in tuning into such culminating moments as we look ahead and envision new possibilities for ourselves on behalf of the collective.
Let us give thanks to our great mother for all of the ways in which she nurtures and sustains life on her holy body.
May we be the example we long to see in the world and live in a way that future generations will be proud of.
- Jessica Cudney, Way Of Belonging

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